Wednesday 21 November 2012

Year 11 PowerPoint links

Hi Guys,

Here are some links to the Power-points I have shown and referred to in class this week.

Harvard Referencing:SkyDrive - Harvard Referencing PowerPoint
Essay Writing:SkyDrive - The Ultimate Essay Guide PowerPoint

Also, a friendly reminder to get your parent information letter signed by Friday, and to try and obtain your copy of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Monday.


Miss F

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Welcome to the 2013 Academic Year

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. And whilst everything in society seems to be winding down, we are only just beginning.

If you aren't already familiar with this site, here is a chance for you to get acquainted. This is the place that you can come to seek information for those times that we are not in the classroom. I will be making sporadic posts throughout the upcoming year, relating to the content and tasks covered.

You will notice the navigation bar above you in which a specific page has been created for your class. This page will give you details about what is being covered throughout the upcoming weeks, and information relating to assessments. I will also be posting links to websites and YouTube vids that I feel are important for you to view. Here is the link to MissJFitton's YouTube Channel

I encourage you to comment on as many posts as you wish, and I will be setting "Blog exclusive" tasks now and again to make sure you're checking back regularly.

Good luck and happy studying.

Miss F.