Here is a little reminder of the steps you need to follow when completing your lego animations:
Step 1: Select scene - this will be a scene or trailer of a well known Hollywood film
Step 2: Annotate & get screen caps - this will help you determine shot duration as well as camera angles and shot sizes, as well as camera movements. See eg. below.
Step 3: Equipment request - this will include cameras, lego, lights etc. Everything you will need to "hire" from school resources"
Step 4: Character design: create a costume design for your minifigs. This may mean creating custom decals to stick on your minifigs. You can find a variety of custom decals by googling "Lego decals" or find tutorials by searching "how to create Lego minifigure decals."
Step 5: Production schedule: this is so your team knows exactly when deadlines are for both shooting the scene and editing the final product
Step 6: Shoot - remember you will be taking approximately 15 shots per second of screen time. A minimum of 6 shots per second will be permitted, but this will make the animation look 'choppy'.
Step 7: Edit - organize which group members are editing which sequences, and bring together to form final submission.
Step 8: Reflection - complete the written reflection of the pre, during and post production process and evidence of contribution.
Step 9: Submit - place final film on to DVD or USB and submit your written components to Student services.
Happy shooting :)
Miss F
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