Thursday 7 March 2013

Year 10 Documentary essays

Hi All,

Here is a copy of our whiteboard notes from today's session:


  1. Can we really present the reality in an un-bias way?
  2. Texts are often used to persuade viewers to take on particular perspectives on various issues.
  3. Documentary films are texts which attempt to present themes and issues in a realistic way. They do not want viewers to feel they are bias.
  4. Documentaries such as Bowling for Columbine, Supersize Me, and Once Upon A Time in Cabramatta deliver a specific perspective on topics
  5. THESIS: Therefore, filmmakers use a variety of techniques in order for the audience to believe they are watching reality.
Body Para 1:
  1. Filmmakers use a variety of techniques in order for the audience to believe they are watching reality.
  2. emerge the viewer in action
  3. quote or example - Morgan spewing
  4. we share the experience and empathize.
    relate it back to our own experiences
  5. by making the viewer relate it adds to persuasive effect
Body Para 2:
  1. Similarly, filmmakers often use interviews to give the notion of an unbias perspective.
  2. more personal and appears less constructed
  3. quote or example - Cabramatta - families
  4. filmmakers edit sections of interview to use
  5. editing process manipulates the content
Body Para 3:
  1. Furthermore, filmmakers intentionally omit certain elements to create a bias towards a subject matter
  2. limits the scope on a subject matter.
    see topic in a specific way
  3. quote or example - Bowling for Columbine - focused on anti-guns and mass shootings
  4. creates a negative POV towards America and gun control
    doesn't show any positives
  5. by limiting scope viewers are forced to see one POV
  1. reword thesis
  2. reword topic sentences

Happy writing

Miss F.

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